The Church Leading the World

A review of Designed to Lead by Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck

“The leaders who will ultimately transform communities and change the world come from the church.” This concept had escaped me in all my years of ministry, if not intuitively, certainly practically. It is apparently a fugitive concept to many.  Changing this thinking is the burden that prompted this book. It is the pulse that throbs through each page. The authors do not write in an uncertain rhythm but with the full conviction of their hearts. I was arrested by the principles.
Something has been missing in the church.  We learn what in chapter 1.Those three missing components form the outline of the book.  With solid biblical basis Designed to Lead shows how conviction, culture, and constructs can transform a church into a leader-building workshop.

Conviction. “The longer that people attend a church that values equipping, the more they grow uncomfortable with only comfortably attending.”
Culture. “We (the church) are not producing minions or even legions of soldiers for the Kingdom of God.  We are training family.” The layers of church culture are unfolded by its actual beliefs, articulated beliefs, and artifacts.  (See the chart on page 126.)  The exposition of Scripture is the most effective way to change culture. 
Construct. “Jesus could have chosen any method imaginable or unimaginable, yet He chose discipling people who would disciple people.” That this is the key construct of church training is demonstrated in this, the church was launched with discipleship. “Discipleship is the only way to produce leaders that serve and bless the world.”

This book will be on the shelves of many church and community leaders who lead leaders.  


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