Are Faith and Danger Mutually Exclusive?

    New York Mayor William De Blasio recently stated that “no faith tradition endorses anything that endangers the members of that faith.” This was part of a speech in which he informed church leaders that if they continued to meet during the Virus quarantine, officials would shut them down.
     Covid19 is a significant threat to our national health. I agree that we should exercise great care in our social interactions. This is a time for us to consider our neighbor’s wellbeing as we do our own. Suspending church services is a good response. But the Mayor, I believe, is mistaken about danger and faith.
    The first disciples of Jesus deliberately pursued perilous activities because of their faith. Each of the apostles experienced physical hardship. All but John died as martyrs. From Jesus Himself they received the endorsement, you are blessed. (Matthew 5:10-12)
    Jesus sought followers who would value Him more than family members. "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.” (Luke 14:26) Faith is risky.
    Polycarp, a second-century church leader was burned at the stake for refusing to worship the Roman gods. He gained the endorsement of Christ. "I bless you, Father, for judging me worthy of this hour, so that in the company of the martyrs I may share the cup of Christ.”
    The Pilgrim’s Progress, a book that has never gone out of print, was written by John Bunyan in 1678. Bunyan authored the book while in jail because he would not stop preaching the gospel. Was his family endangered by his decision?
    Hudson Taylor, a pioneer missionary to China suffered headaches, eye problems, and chills. He was homesick and his own mission board mistreated him.
    Paul Brand a brilliant surgeon, chose to serve lepers rather than practice medicine where he could become wealthy. He jeopardized his career to help those who had nothing to give.
    “In more than 40 nations around the world today Christians are being persecuted for their faith. In some of these nations, it is illegal to own a Bible, to share your faith in Christ, change your faith or teach your children about Jesus. Those who boldly follow Christ—in spite of government edict or radical opposition—can face harassment, arrest, torture and even death. Yet Christians continue to meet for worship and to witness for Christ, and the church in restricted nations is growing.”
    These all believe that the cause of Christ is greater than the comforts of life. The Gospel has priority over the government. The perils of persecution cannot be compared to the pleasures of heaven.
    We should gladly close our church doors if necessary, for the physical life of our communities. Our mission, dangerous as it may be, is to gain souls for eternal life. Stopping its services will not silence the church.


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